Common Spiders Found in Montana

Common Spiders Found in Montana

Montana is home to a diverse range of spider species, with some being more common than others. While most spiders in the state are harmless and even beneficial, it’s always good to know which ones you might encounter. Here's a breakdown of the most common spiders in Montana and what to know about them.

Key Takeaways

  • Black widows, wolf spiders, and hobo spiders are common in Montana, but most are harmless and avoid people.

  • Jumping spiders, crab spiders, and orb weavers are fascinating hunters or web-builders often seen in gardens and homes.

  • Simple steps like sealing cracks, cleaning clutter, and trimming shrubs can help keep spiders out of your home.

  • Professional pest control can safely manage spider problems and create a barrier to keep them from coming back.

Spiders You’re Likely to See in Montana

Here’s a closer look at the Montana spiders you’re most likely to encounter—and what makes each of them unique.

Western Black Widow Spider

From the Family Theridiidae, these glossy black spiders with their iconic red hourglass markings like to hide in quiet, sheltered spots like woodpiles, sheds, and under rocks.

While their venom is strong, bites are rarely fatal—but if you’re bitten, it’s a good idea to seek medical attention.

Wolf Spiders 

Wolf spiders (Family Lycosidae) are among the largest spiders in Montana. You might see scurrying across your basement floor or through the grass. They’re brown, hairy, and fast-moving, thanks to their long legs.

Although they look intimidating, they’re not aggressive and prefer to avoid people.

Hobo Spider

​​The hobo spider (Eratigena agrestis) is light brown with a chevron pattern on its abdomen. Sometimes called the “aggressive house spiders,” they construct sheet webs with a funnel-like retreat in dark, dry places such as basements or garages.

While there’s a lot of debate about their bites causing skin issues, these funnel web spiders are not as dangerous as you might think.

Jumping Spiders 

With their big front eyes and colorful markings, jumping spiders (Family Salticidae) are as cute as they are harmless. You’ll often find them on windowsills, walls, or plants during the day. They’re excellent hunters and pretty fun to watch.

Crab Spiders 

Crab spiders (Family Thomisidae) come in bright colors like white, yellow, or pink and are often spotted in gardens and flowers. They have crab-like legs and are great at ambushing prey—but don’t worry, they won’t bother you.

Cat-Faced Spider 

These orb weavers (Araneus gemmoides) get their name from their round bodies that look a bit like a cat’s face. They like to build webs near lights, porches, or eaves, especially during late summer and fall.

Orb Weaver Spiders 

Orb weavers (Family Araneidae) are the master architects of the spider world. They come in all sorts of colors and sizes and spin those classic circular webs you see in gardens or forests.

One example is the banded garden spider (Argiope trifasciata), notable for its distinctive banded coloration.

With their intricate webs, they’re great at catching flies and other pests, often guarding their egg sacs secured within the structure.

What About Spider Bites?

While most spider bites are harmless, the black widow may require medical attention. Symptoms like severe pain, redness, or swelling are signs to seek help.

Spider Control and Prevention Tips

The spider family might be beneficial, but no one likes finding them where they aren’t welcome, like inside your home.

Here are some effective ways to keep your home spider-free:

1. Seal Entry Points

Take a close look around your home, especially at doors, windows, and foundations, and seal up any cracks with caulk.

These arthropods can easily slip through small gaps, so adding weather stripping and fixing torn window screens can make a big difference in keeping them outside where they belong.

2. Declutter and Clean Regularly

Spiders love clutter, so start by clearing out piles of old newspapers, cardboard, and unused items.

A good rule of thumb is to focus on areas where spiders might hide, like corners, ceilings, or under furniture.

A regular dusting routine can help disrupt their web-building and make your home less appealing to them.

3. Turn Off Outdoor Lights

Lights attract insects, which in turn draw spiders. Use motion-sensor lights or switch to yellow bug-reducing bulbs.

4. Keep the Yard Tidy

If you want to keep spiders at bay, a little yard maintenance goes a long way.

Trim back shrubs and trees so they don’t touch your house or hang too close to it. This helps prevent spiders from using them as bridges to sneak inside.

Also, don’t pile firewood or stack rocks near your home.

5. Use Natural Repellents

Spiders dislike essential oils like peppermint, tea tree, and eucalyptus. Dilute with water and spray in areas prone to spider activity.

6. Install Sticky Traps

Place traps in dark corners or along baseboards to catch wandering spiders. These are particularly effective for wolf spiders and hobo spiders.

7. Regular Professional Pest Control

A preventative pest control plan is the most effective way to manage spider populations, especially if you live where these arachnids are common.

Professional treatments create a barrier around your home to keep spiders out while maintaining your outdoor ecosystem.

At Kodiak Pest Control, we specialize in spider prevention and removal in the Big Horn Basin. Whether you’re dealing with harmless garden spiders or more concerning species like black widows, we’ve got you covered.

Contact us today to schedule your service and enjoy a spider-free home year-round!

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